Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday Morning

Yet another Monday morning. Dull and boring as usual. I really don't feel like working and i come with the same thought almost every Monday morning. The question about existence and working to survive predominates any other thought that comes to my mind. I start to wonder why humans choose to be like this when animals don't care and still survive.

Whenever i speak to people who have spent most of their life working always tell me that i need a reason to work if not work will become really monotonous and boring. Even these people were not able to explain me convincingly why we humans have to behave differently from animals. Is that because we are incapable of getting our own food like animals or we simply want to beat the time?

If scholars agree that one cannot totally win over time and only protract the happening at a certain time why are the humans simply fighting to protract the time. Why do we care if it happens at time 't' or 't+1' ?

Why humans have to be humans and not be another animal? The question always lingers my mind and never gets answered.

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