Wednesday, October 29, 2008

View on Marriage?

My friend asked me a question today, “What’s your view on Marriage”. He warned me not to bull shit and write what I really think. This is one of the topics that hit me more often these days than it used to be in the past. It is probably because all my friends are married or getting married now. All marriages fall into one of the following categories below.

1) Boredom – Guy lives longer outside their family and eventually after getting bored living all by themselves find a girl to bore all their life.
2) Watch Dogs – Guy needs someone to take care of their family, parents, etc.
3) So-called Love marriage – Guy meets a girl when he was in school or college or office(S). He had been flirting with her for a while and now he wants to marry her to have sex. If he had already screwed her, then he marries her out of compulsion from her.
4) Calling-bell syndrome – Even we don’t answer calling bells in our home sometime but there are guys whose pants don’t stand on their hip when they reach a certain age. This is purely dependent on the caste, community, and place and of course family. The reason given for this syndrome is always the same “ We won’t find a girl in our community after certain age” or “They might think you have a health problem”
5) Nagging – Some parents nag their kids so much that they are forced to marry. The reason given by parents, ‘You should be responsible’, ‘I should see a grandchild’, ‘I should see your marriage before I die’, ‘You are not coming home properly/eating properly, etc’. To me all this is bullshit. The real reason behind this is just social pressure.
6) Rhetoric style – Some people start their married life in a rhetoric fashion. They justify their marriage by asking ‘What did I do without marrying?’ or ‘I don’t see a reason why not to marry’, etc

To me the Billy Crystal style(“When Harry met Sally”) – “When I know you are the one whom I want to spend the whole life with, I want it to start right away’, ‘I like your eyes twitch when you look at me like I am an idiot’ and all those lines are just movie ending monologues.

We live in a society full of dogmas and social pressures. People have so many stigmas and tend to stick to it even more when they grow older. The traditional word of conservatism is sometime used in appropriately and equated to grouse parochialism. People find one or more of the above reasons mentioned to rationalize the things they do. To me it’s like finding a cure for all diseases with one pill. Marriage is a pain reliever that can just alleviate the pain for a while and cannot cure it. Marriage to me is a social dogma. It’s a license to have sex and procreate. We do everything like animals. We eat, shit, sleep and think (animals think too). Animals live as pack or herds. We call it society. Animals like humans defend their territory too. Humans are just animals who fail to realize they are one of those animals and form complex relationships unlike animals. I agree that we should have emotions (again an animal instinct) but to show emotions (any kind of emotion for that matter. Sex is definitely one of them) only to a married individual seems so ridiculous to me. I therefore don’t believe in the modern institution of marriage and living with only one individual all my life. If I have to be contend with just one I may as well be contended with none. If not, why should I put a limit to myself by marrying just once?

To me Marriage is one of the best hypocrisy human species has created. Can I escape from it? Well I have to answer that rhetorically by asking if I have escaped any of the other hypocrisies.


Anonymous said...

hahahah, LMAO!!!!! specially the different variations of marriage...I was expecting this from you and you did not fail me.

there are other variations in marriage tooo...marrying MANY just to have sex is Bullshit, you are free to have sex without marrying tooo...then why marry ??

comparing animal having sex(f@#king) with humans(making love) is not fair as animals mate only during the mating seasons they don't do it twice a week !!!!!!! imaging a lion having sex twice a week with all the lioness, we would be finding ways to eradicate them(like rats) rather than thinking of adding them into ENDANGERED SPECIES...

I think like ADI-SANKARA did --- to understand SAM-SARI you have to be one...

Its not who is winning in a argument, its what COMES OUT of it...

thnx for writing...write more...

Unknown said...

most(almost all) of your variations are TRUE !!!, there are people in the world who fall in these categories and then you see the THIRD KIND !!! who are totally different from what they were known to be :-)))...