Tuesday, September 18, 2007

From my notes

"tasmaat sarveshu kaaleshu mamanusmarah yuddha cha"  
    --'Therefore under all circumstances remember Me and then fight' (Fight means perform your duties) 
Impediments to sound mental health:
Greed - for power, position, prestige and money.  
Envy - regarding others' achievements, success, rewards.  
Egotism - about one's own accomplishments.  
Suspicion, anger and frustration.  
Anguish through comparisons. 
To cultivate sound philosophy of life:
Identify with inner core of self-sufficiency  
Get out of the habitual mindset towards the pairs of opposites.  
Strive for excellence through work is worship.  
Build up an internal integrated reference point to face contrary impulses, and emotions  
Pursue ethico-moral rectitude. 
- Read this in an article longtime back in a magazine and scribbled it in my notes. Don't remember the original author of this.

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