Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Money for marks?

There is an article in Washington post today about students getting paid for getting good grades.
My immediate thought was about our middle school math teacher Vijayalakshmi missJ. That’s how we called her. She would buy us a Diary Milk chocolate if we get centum in math and anyone getting above 90% would get an éclairs. I remember people would feel sorry if they didn’t get the coveted DM chocolate. At that time I think DM cost about 5 bucks. I know many kids in my class who hadn’t eaten one in their life. I had a good opportunity to get them almost in every test. I would eat the chocolate slowly when I am walking on my way home and would flaunt to my sister about it. She would ask me to get it for the next time. I rarely give her the entire bar not intentionally but the chocolate taste simply lures me to commit the sin of eating it. Things aside, I would say a simple candy motivated me when I was kid to study hard. So I would assume giving money is like a DM to kids like me. Chocolate was more symbolic for love and appreciation but I cannot say the same thing about money. It would mean something for older people but for kids there should be gifts and presents rather than monetary gains. I think it is a bad idea to teach them that they have to study hard to earn more money in the future. It may be the reality of life but is it what they wanted to teach kids?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahahaha, old memories, except the fact that she lived next door to my house (Barathi Dasan Colony), and she gives me chocolates, i am one of the many guys who have never had the DM chocolate(save for eclaris a few times).....i am still feeling jealous abt this :-))))
thnx mate for making the memory afresh....J